Wednesday, March 12, 2014

EXPLORE: February Recap and RunKeeper Review

So it's a couple weeks overdue, but here's the report for February's "daily exercise" goal.

Did I exercise every day? No, but almost :).

Did I increase activity over January? Yes.

How do I know? Runkeeper. It's an app on my iPhone.

Now, truth be told, I thoroughly miss the Noom CardioTrainer that I had on my droid. Unfortunately it does not exist on the iPhone and I'm not sure if anything will ever be able to replace the hole it left. After trying a few other iPhone apps and being dissatisfied, RunKeeper has come close to filling Cardio Tracker's void.

RunKeeper is accurate. I recently discovered that I can set the tracker to start and stop by movement. This helps to track walking with my dog (not that it's hardcore exercise.. but everything counts!) I can track a multitude of activities and the calories/distance/speed seem right so far for walking, jogging, hiking, and cycling.

From my dashboard Reports I can easily see that my exercise has increased over January
I can also easily see that I need to STEP IT UP for March, if I ever want to lose any lbs! To burn a pound of fat takes 3500 calories. Burning only 3800 in a month is piddly, but it's a start <so I won't discount too, too much>.
I have synced it up to MyFitnessPal (an app where I track my calorie intake) so my exercise calorie deficit is sure to be incorporated into the weight control equation. 

Tracking exercise and food intake has been immensely helpful in controlling my weight over the last few years. I highly recommend it. Even if a paper and pen is your tool!

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